
Unpaid wages. What can else can I do?

This is in Texas. I have filed with the TWC and I am reaching out to lawyers but to be blunt, I only worked for 2 weeks part-time and as such, I am only filing for a little over $500. Perhaps more if any of the clients I reached out to signed on as I am due a commission on that. But in the meantime, I am wondering what I can do that won’t land me in any hot water but will put a fire under my former employer. To be completely transparent, it isn’t about the money for me entirely. It was the blatant lies, him clearly blocking me, deleting my employee email and creeping me out the entire time I worked for him, bordering on sexual harassment. Would it be wrong to email him again? Can I connect with former clients, specifically those I reached out to? I…

This is in Texas. I have filed with the TWC and I am reaching out to lawyers but to be blunt, I only worked for 2 weeks part-time and as such, I am only filing for a little over $500. Perhaps more if any of the clients I reached out to signed on as I am due a commission on that. But in the meantime, I am wondering what I can do that won’t land me in any hot water but will put a fire under my former employer.

To be completely transparent, it isn’t about the money for me entirely. It was the blatant lies, him clearly blocking me, deleting my employee email and creeping me out the entire time I worked for him, bordering on sexual harassment.

Would it be wrong to email him again? Can I connect with former clients, specifically those I reached out to? I feel responsible if they are scammed. My friend said it could be considered defamation but I was under the impression that it’s only defamation if it’s not true. I wouldn’t be lying, of course.

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