
Unpopular- My work is a means to an end- it’s okay for me to hate it

This just a vent. I am by capitalistic standards a great worker, reliable, productive, and beyond competent. I get told on a daily basis I do great work, am well liked by clientle and staff. I also am vocal about hatred of work in general and my job in particular. I tell people (contextual conversations) I hate my job and they are very offended by this idea. I tell them I'm not required to be passionate About this or any other job and it's okay that I see work as a means to an end, “Cheaper health insurance” ( yes, American) , best hours, nd pay I can get to keep a roof over my head and myself fed with a little more extra for a hobby or two. The amount of arguments, and people trying to change my mind, or who tell me I should find something I love…

This just a vent. I am by capitalistic standards a great worker, reliable, productive, and beyond competent. I get told on a daily basis I do great work, am well liked by clientle and staff.

I also am vocal about hatred of work in general and my job in particular. I tell people (contextual conversations) I hate my job and they are very offended by this idea. I tell them I'm not required to be passionate About this or any other job and it's okay that I see work as a means to an end,
“Cheaper health insurance” ( yes, American) , best hours, nd pay I can get to keep a roof over my head and myself fed with a little more extra for a hobby or two.

The amount of arguments, and people trying to change my mind, or who tell me I should find something I love is mind boggling. Why can't people just accept at my age, level of school and experience, I will always have shit jobs that I hate and I am okay with that?

It's okay I hate my job, and will hate all other jobs after it. Am I violating some social norms here? I know other people feel the same way, but why am I required to “like my job” Why can't I be good at it, but hate it at the he same time?

And don't @me about stress, and therapy, and it will show etc. Any colleague I say I hate my job to doesn't believe me because I'm good at it, and therapy ain't going to fix this.

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