
Unpopular opinion: This sub is anti-work in its sentiment but pro-work in its effect.

This is just about my observation that whenever someone actually contemplates or even attempts an escape from working, most people in this sub react with negativity and a myriad of reasons why this a very bad idea. There have been people posting who actually succeeded to free themselves from work (usually through frugality and some sacrifice) and the reaction was mostly very negative, like „what about a medical emergency“ or „I wouldn’t want to live like that.“. Then there’s been this guy or gal who pondered if he or she could live off 2.000$ rental income, today, and again, instead of being supportive and thinking of ways to make it work, everybody’s coming up with reasons why it won’t work or why it is not enough and the person in question needs to keep working. This whole thing feels like the crabs in a bucket scenario where everybody’s frustrated but…

This is just about my observation that whenever someone actually contemplates or even attempts an escape from working, most people in this sub react with negativity and a myriad of reasons why this a very bad idea.

There have been people posting who actually succeeded to free themselves from work (usually through frugality and some sacrifice) and the reaction was mostly very negative, like „what about a medical emergency“ or „I wouldn’t want to live like that.“.

Then there’s been this guy or gal who pondered if he or she could live off 2.000$ rental income, today, and again, instead of being supportive and thinking of ways to make it work, everybody’s coming up with reasons why it won’t work or why it is not enough and the person in question needs to keep working.

This whole thing feels like the crabs in a bucket scenario where everybody’s frustrated but no one’s allowed to escape.

And, ironically, this might just be the most „prowork“ thing imaginable, because everybody can freely vent their frustrations as much as they want, but at the end of the day we keep arguing to ourselves and each other why we need to continue working, much as we hate it.

I do realize that reality is harsh and that most people can’t quit without putting their and their families’ livelihood into jeopardy. But there are ways out (not without sacrifice) and I personally think we should be more supportive of that.

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