
Unprofessional/toxic boss stories

As the title suggests, what are some of your toxic, mean or downright unprofessional boss stories? I’ll start with mine. She’s just left my department (thank god). Let’s just call her “Jennifer”. Jennifer would be very passive aggressive if you did something she didn’t like. Not something that was wrong, just something she didn’t like. She’d constantly be finding ways to belittle you. She’d dig for information from other colleagues to try and catch you out on stuff. She’d do impersonations of other staff (even senior staff to us less senior staff). She’d quibble over a minute or two of time that was I unaccounted for. She’d reveal personal Information about staff to other staff. She’d swear constantly in settings where it was not warranted (meetings). The worst of all was she would completely disregard the law when it comes to staff with disabilities. She tried to force me out…

As the title suggests, what are some of your toxic, mean or downright unprofessional boss stories?

I’ll start with mine. She’s just left my department (thank god). Let’s just call her “Jennifer”. Jennifer would be very passive aggressive if you did something she didn’t like. Not something that was wrong, just something she didn’t like. She’d constantly be finding ways to belittle you. She’d dig for information from other colleagues to try and catch you out on stuff. She’d do impersonations of other staff (even senior staff to us less senior staff). She’d quibble over a minute or two of time that was I unaccounted for. She’d reveal personal
Information about staff to other staff. She’d swear constantly in settings where it was not warranted (meetings). The worst of all was she would completely disregard the law when it comes to staff with disabilities. She tried to force me out of my job while I was off sick.

She created a hostile environment where staff couldn’t trust one another because she would sow seeds of mistrust between staff. It was clear she would bitch about you to other staff for no good reason. She more or less told me I should look for another job because I didn’t fit into the department. She punished me for being off sick by changing my job while I was off sick to take the crappy stuff away from other staff and saying it was now my job. She was clearly pissed I could stand up to her and she couldn’t force me out of my job. I always said I would outlast her and I did. Screw you, Jennifer.

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