
Unreasonable demands made me leave, wife still stuck in hell.

I need to vent out. Me and my wife worked for the same job. The job was suppose to be about project management but turn out it was mostly customer service. It was a decent pay but the work atmosphere degraded rapidly. I started at the beginning of Covid and managed an empty office with no training… Having to learn everything WITHOUT onboarding. My wife joined me a year later. I did her onboarding. The lab people were condescending as hell, never helped us with our project. Recruitment declined so fast, people stayed in average 5 month before leaving for better job. We were doing worst and worst. Upper management always had “big plan” by buying other labs. When I left, our team was down to half is size (and still decreasing with almost no recruitment done, burning people our). They are bleeding client like crazy. I was there for…

I need to vent out. Me and my wife worked for the same job. The job was suppose to be about project management but turn out it was mostly customer service. It was a decent pay but the work atmosphere degraded rapidly. I started at the beginning of Covid and managed an empty office with no training… Having to learn everything WITHOUT onboarding. My wife joined me a year later. I did her onboarding.

The lab people were condescending as hell, never helped us with our project. Recruitment declined so fast, people stayed in average 5 month before leaving for better job. We were doing worst and worst. Upper management always had “big plan” by buying other labs. When I left, our team was down to half is size (and still decreasing with almost no recruitment done, burning people our). They are bleeding client like crazy.

I was there for 3 years. First year was perfect, my supervisor was a logic, efficient, lovable woman. She left after a year and half. Got abandonned, work quality suffered. Got a new supervisor (no recruitment, the abolished the 3rd supervisor job). Kind but so confuse. She left a month before me (guess what? They abolished the 2nd supervisor job too…) Director transfered to another department around the same time, they recruited what my wife call a “cheerleader”. No solution, just smile.

Working from home? Once every three week because neither of my 5 coworkers (wife not included) want to work in office. Got to do it alone. When we complained, the answer was “screw you, we prefer the other one (no joke favoritism was easy to see)”.

A important fact about me and my wife, we have been trying to conceive for three years. We finally started treatment in april. Our supervisor dare ask us to stop those treatment immediatly because we should BOTH be in office. We have 5 coworker who are lazy and refuse to get in office at all cost.

I left, found a job in a month, better pay, no stress, 4 day a week, no weekend. My wife stayed because of her immigrant status. She feared retalation. The offered her to pay her taxi. She agreed. After two month, they still didnt pay. We asked forbinassurance transfert? They charge her but still inactive. They now force her to be 100% in office, she cant go to our fertility treatment (she goes anyway) or they scream at her. Our coworker decided to fake illness to not be in office, she prefer to party while getting paid

They ignore my wife request (or newcomer) most of the time. She got intimidated by a client, the director just said “you were polite? Normal to be intimidated just shut up”.

We are not in the US but I did reported them to autorities. I also snitched on that coworker. My wife just want her taxi money. Next week we have a doctor meeting, hope they see she is on edge of a burnout. She need to get out of there ASAP.

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