
Unrelenting stress of the job

We used to be a team of three (A,B,C) with a very strong work ethic . We added two(D,E) to our team in the states over the last 7 years- both nice people and both capable to a degree but definitely work at a slower pace. Roll on two years ago and my manager (A)retires, they move B to a different team essentially losing 40 years experience off the team in one go which leave me to look after everything world(mins the US). The get manager from another team who knows little to nothing about what we do but it a great personal manager and good person. We add a junior from the states (F) but can’t expect too much from him for the first few years. We also added a senior person to assist me(G) but after 2 years this person really isn’t where they should be and has…

We used to be a team of three (A,B,C) with a very strong work ethic .
We added two(D,E) to our team in the states over the last 7 years- both nice people and both capable to a degree but definitely work at a slower pace.

Roll on two years ago and my manager (A)retires, they move B to a different team essentially losing 40 years experience off the team in one go which leave me to look after everything world(mins the US).
The get manager from another team who knows little to nothing about what we do but it a great personal manager and good person.

We add a junior from the states (F) but can’t expect too much from him for the first few years.
We also added a senior person to assist me(G) but after 2 years this person really isn’t where they should be and has to be constantly babied/minded.

We had a massive project which was left on my shoulder this year and it all worked out. The stress of this was massive and had some very dark thoughts over those months.

It finally finished and everyone was delighted .
I want to take two weeks off together which I had not done in a couple years but could only take one as we have a new person starting.
I had my week booked if and my manager decides a few days prior to take the week off also.
There seems to be a common theme of another member of the team deciding to take the same exact days off days before the holidays commence.

Roll on this week I was enjoying a lovely week of doing a little bit of gardening , getting the car read for the annual review, going to movies just chilling out.

Unfortunately (bigger fool me) I checked my works messages and saw it all kicking off because of a system issue.
None of my team have rang me about this which historically they would have even on holidays but I am feeling guilty about not contacting them which I know they shouldn’t.

This is a build up years of them doing the bare minimum and leaving it all on my shoulders. I know they’ll be a shit show on Monday and the rest of my holiday is ruined now as it will be on the back of my mind for the rest of the weekend.

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