
Unsure if I should get overtime? (Australia)

I'm a bit conflicted after trying to read some information online but I'm under the impression I should be entitled to 10 hours of overtime in this case. I'm part time. My job pays fortnightly. My contract is 21.5 hours a week/43 per fortnight. My boss had a week off and we haven't got the staff to cover open and close, as everyone is new and the only person aside from me who could open and close the store, was also away. I agreed to work open to close, 6 days straight. This amounted to 48 hours in one week. The previous week I worked 28 hours so it comes to 76 hours neat for the fortnight which is where I'm conflicted on my entitlements. As far as I can understand online the General Retail Industry Award requires overtime to be paid when someone exceeds 38 hours in a week,…

I'm a bit conflicted after trying to read some information online but I'm under the impression I should be entitled to 10 hours of overtime in this case.

I'm part time. My job pays fortnightly. My contract is 21.5 hours a week/43 per fortnight.

My boss had a week off and we haven't got the staff to cover open and close, as everyone is new and the only person aside from me who could open and close the store, was also away.

I agreed to work open to close, 6 days straight. This amounted to 48 hours in one week. The previous week I worked 28 hours so it comes to 76 hours neat for the fortnight which is where I'm conflicted on my entitlements.

As far as I can understand online the General Retail Industry Award requires overtime to be paid when someone exceeds 38 hours in a week, nothing mentioned about a fortnight. It states even reasonable additional hours that exceed 38 hours, are to be paid overtime.

My employer tells me I'm not entitled to overtime because I agreed to work the extra hours?

Anyone know much in this area and able to help me work out whether I am or am not entitled to the overtime for 10 hours?

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