
Up to & from

A local restaurant has a help wanted sign in their window. The sign says “Now hiring cooks. Pay from $28 an hour”. So I applied and received a call for an interview. During the interview I was told the position pays $18 an hour plus tips. I asked if they can guarantee $10 an hour in tips since the sign says “from $28” not “up to $28”. They said no since tips can fluctuate. Do these companies realize “from” & “up to” mean two different things? Are these types of bait and switches illegal? Is this why no one wants to work anymore?

A local restaurant has a help wanted sign in their window. The sign says “Now hiring cooks. Pay from $28 an hour”. So I applied and received a call for an interview. During the interview I was told the position pays $18 an hour plus tips. I asked if they can guarantee $10 an hour in tips since the sign says “from $28” not “up to $28”. They said no since tips can fluctuate.

Do these companies realize “from” & “up to” mean two different things? Are these types of bait and switches illegal? Is this why no one wants to work anymore?

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