
UPDATE: CEO Talked about how much $$ the company has saved, and about living debt-free

For a quick recap of my first post, we had a home-office team meeting where the CEO talked about how the company has saved so much money (probably ~$50mil) that they were able to purchase a $25mil facility in cash. He also talked about being frugal and living debt-free, so I sent him an email with an average budget based on what he pays us. After rent, food, etc it was around negative $600 per month. Some of you asked for an update after I received a response. Sorry it has taken a little while I had a number of things happen with work that just killed my motivation. One of the things was his response to my email. The first part of his email said quote ” The main point from my message was that living within one's means is a discipline that should be developed.  It is useful…

For a quick recap of my first post, we had a home-office team meeting where the CEO talked about how the company has saved so much money (probably ~$50mil) that they were able to purchase a $25mil facility in cash. He also talked about being frugal and living debt-free, so I sent him an email with an average budget based on what he pays us. After rent, food, etc it was around negative $600 per month.

Some of you asked for an update after I received a response. Sorry it has taken a little while I had a number of things happen with work that just killed my motivation. One of the things was his response to my email. The first part of his email said quote ” The main point from my message was that living within one's means is a discipline that should be developed.  It is useful for improving one's financial position if that person, like myself, is not going to be handed large sums of money from relatives or otherwise.  One thing we talk about at N2 is that different jobs pay different amounts.”

Different jobs pay different amounts? Wow what a revelation. He then goes on to essentially say all I care about is money and if I want to make $200k (I dont know where he got that number) I should get a better job. I replied that I have 2 masters degrees and don't think that anyone NEEDS to be making $200k per year. I said it was unfortunate that some jobs are valued over others, but that is the world we live in. So thats it really for this update, I know it wasn't really exciting but I wanted to update those who were interested. I still have my job and haven't felt any change from my manager so I dont think Im in danger of being fired. Although I am actively looking elsewhere.

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