
Update: Coworkers put a gravestone on my old desk, harassed me openly

Hi im the person who had her coworkers put a gravestone shaped urn on my old desk after I moved away from the drama. Things have gotten better. Not with them, hilariously no. They still refuse to look at me, or act as if I exist. We had a mediated discussing with HR last week where I kept myself diplomatic, did not go after them, and stated I just wanted to come to work without wondering what was next. They took the opportunity to bash me to HR, say I work too slow, I let work pile up, no one wants to talk to me so they just talk amongst themselves, etc etc. HR did not let me defend myself, where I would've told them this example (and the only one they had lol) I was covering for an absent coworker so I was doing my work in the first…

Hi im the person who had her coworkers put a gravestone shaped urn on my old desk after I moved away from the drama. Things have gotten better.

Not with them, hilariously no. They still refuse to look at me, or act as if I exist. We had a mediated discussing with HR last week where I kept myself diplomatic, did not go after them, and stated I just wanted to come to work without wondering what was next. They took the opportunity to bash me to HR, say I work too slow, I let work pile up, no one wants to talk to me so they just talk amongst themselves, etc etc. HR did not let me defend myself, where I would've told them this example (and the only one they had lol) I was covering for an absent coworker so I was doing my work in the first half of the day and then working on my absent coworkers the second half of the day. Or that it actually wasn't my responsibility, but their partner in bullyings but I started doing it to help out.

I talked with my union, who will now no longer represent the main perpetrator. Who will be my talking piece with HR for now on and will be present in any and all meetings.

But I have a job interview tomorrow, and I already know I have the job. Its a STEEP pay cut, but it's part time, close to home, and very mild, I will be working in an elementary library which I've missed working in schools. Not thrilled about the pay, but it's worth healthier mental health.

This will be my last update unless something wild happens. Im okay. Im no longer experiencing EOL ideation, im getting off all my pain medications and going to start smoking now that I won't be drug tested, I'm looking at having bilateral hip surgery at 27, possibly spinal surgery, I have a 4.0 in school currently, and my husband and I are hard-core planning our future for when I'm done with my degree and going to graduate school.

But I'm okay! It's insane what happens when you decide a toxic work environment isn't worth it, but you're okay with making just enough to make ends meet.

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