
Update: HR called me cause they realized they fucked up. So after I was “sacked”, my boss went ahead and the passwords for all the company's SQL servers and also deleted my user from Active Directory as well… This in turn fucked up a ton of things because now none of the company's internal software can communicate with the SQL Servers across the company network and nobody knows where the connection string is… I know exactly where it is but you don't give away your secrets for free… As the Joker said, “if you good at something, you never do it for free”. HR called me begging me to come back because they have not been able to fix it all day… They asked me how much I wanted. What can we do to fix this? $250k, 50% up front. 50% remaining to be paid within 30 days of fixing this issue. And after that, going forward, I will…

So after I was “sacked”, my boss went ahead and the passwords for all the company's SQL servers and also deleted my user from Active Directory as well…

This in turn fucked up a ton of things because now none of the company's internal software can communicate with the SQL Servers across the company network and nobody knows where the connection string is… I know exactly where it is but you don't give away your secrets for free… As the Joker said, “if you good at something, you never do it for free”.

HR called me begging me to come back because they have not been able to fix it all day…

They asked me how much I wanted. What can we do to fix this?

$250k, 50% up front. 50% remaining to be paid within 30 days of fixing this issue. And after that, going forward, I will make myself available on a consultancy basis at a base rate of at least $225 an hour which can go up depending on the kind of task I am assigned. Take it or leave it.

The funniest part of all this is nobody there seems to know that changing the password back to what it used to be would solve this problem immediately…

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