
(Update) I was given an ultimatum at work.

About two months ago, I was given an ultimatum at work. Feel free to read my last post here for context. About two months ago, I was given an ultimatum at work. Feel free to read my last post here for context. First, thank you to everyone who gave me feedback on my last post. Anyway here is my update, I decided against taking them up on the offer for the promotion because the increased commute and the later hours even with the pay raise I was being offered were not worth it to me, especially with just one car. I was fortunate enough to be in a position where I could go a month without working. During this time I applied to a bunch of jobs, enjoyed the time off, and even started hitting the gym again! Since then, I managed to get a great new job which I…

About two months ago, I was given an ultimatum at work. Feel free to read my last post here for context. About two months ago, I was given an ultimatum at work. Feel free to read my last post here for context. First, thank you to everyone who gave me feedback on my last post. Anyway here is my update, I decided against taking them up on the offer for the promotion because the increased commute and the later hours even with the pay raise I was being offered were not worth it to me, especially with just one car. I was fortunate enough to be in a position where I could go a month without working. During this time I applied to a bunch of jobs, enjoyed the time off, and even started hitting the gym again! Since then, I managed to get a great new job which I started this week. I am very excited about this new job and what it has to offer me. I know I am going to learn a lot here. This new job is still close to home like my last one and even closer to my spouse’s job which is awesome! We can continue to work similar hours, commute together, and also take our lunch breaks together. With this new job, I managed to score a 25% raise which is higher than the raise my previous job was offering me. All in all, I feel blessed, and life is good! Thanks for reading!

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