
Update: Management wants ideas and suggestions on how to help support me after they lied to me for years.

Info: After my initial meeting I told the office gossip about the pay situation and it spread like wildfire across the office and now others are asking for a pay raises. Management has been out of office or unavailable for questions the last two weeks. Our meeting was supposed to be over zoom, but they made it an in-person meeting last-minute. I haven't slept much the last two days, so please excuse my horrendous grammar. The meeting wasn't a follow up meeting at all. The meeting was to serve as a first and final warning for my unprofessional behavior. They couldn't look over my decision to ask questions about the transfer/promotion. They left it off the write up, but they also said they were really upset that I spilled the beans about the pay situation. It put them in a very uncomfortable situation with my fellow co-workers. Despite all of…

Info: After my initial meeting I told the office gossip about the pay situation and it spread like wildfire across the office and now others are asking for a pay raises. Management has been out of office or unavailable for questions the last two weeks. Our meeting was supposed to be over zoom, but they made it an in-person meeting last-minute. I haven't slept much the last two days, so please excuse my horrendous grammar.

The meeting wasn't a follow up meeting at all. The meeting was to serve as a first and final warning for my unprofessional behavior. They couldn't look over my decision to ask questions about the transfer/promotion. They left it off the write up, but they also said they were really upset that I spilled the beans about the pay situation. It put them in a very uncomfortable situation with my fellow co-workers. Despite all of this they're sympathetic to my situation and want to give me an opportunity to show them I am worth the second chance they're giving me. They offered to toss the write up, reconsider my schedule and career opportunities if I help calm down the employees. They asked If I could say I made a mistake or something along those lines to calm everyone down. I just sat there and nodded my head and said sure. When I walked out of the meeting one said quietly “that should buy us some more time.”

After the meeting I ran into the person who covers weekends for me and said they were super excited about doing new training with me and asked where I was going on vacation. They said management sent them an email about it a week ago.I told them I wasn't aware I was going on vacation.. My coworker slyly asked if the pay thing was true, so I showed them the proof. They're still making minimum wage while new employees are making close to double. I then told them a little bit about my situation. They stopped me to say management kept promising more hours and never delivered. Two months ago my coworker turned down another job opportunity because management said they would be a permanent full-time position by Friday. . Management came back on Monday and said they lost their funding (not true) and couldn't move them. They were upset about the situation but they thought it was outside of management's control. Needless to say they were pissed when they found out the truth. After our convo I left the office and by the time I reached my car they had quit their job.

After they quit management called me and asked If I could cover the weekends until they find someone new. I told them they could count on me. I worked my regular shift and quit this morning. They have reached out several times and left voicemails saying they will give me everything I was asking for immediately. I haven't responded and don't plan to unless it's to fuck with them. I don't have another job lined up, but I have a couple of interviews lined up. Wish me luck!

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