
UPDATE: My boss wants us to sign a non-compete agreement that is (probably) illegal, or it’s our jobs.

Original post here. The TLDR is that our boss gave us a ridiculous 11 page non-compete agreement and told us we had to sign it Tuesday or we were fired. One of the piercers, “Allie”, came in yesterday and turned in her key and then blocked our boss. Our boss just told us that this was all a ploy just to get Allie to quit. We didn't have to sign this. The two hour meeting culminating in her giving us this document was a waste of time. It was all literally just to get one person to quit, because she wanted to fire her but didn't want to pay unemployment. This caused so much stress and strife at our store. People were having panic attacks over possibly losing the job they'd work at 1+ years because they didn't want to sign a ridiculous paper. I know of at least two…

Original post here.

The TLDR is that our boss gave us a ridiculous 11 page non-compete agreement and told us we had to sign it Tuesday or we were fired.

One of the piercers, “Allie”, came in yesterday and turned in her key and then blocked our boss. Our boss just told us that this was all a ploy just to get Allie to quit.

We didn't have to sign this. The two hour meeting culminating in her giving us this document was a waste of time. It was all literally just to get one person to quit, because she wanted to fire her but didn't want to pay unemployment.

This caused so much stress and strife at our store. People were having panic attacks over possibly losing the job they'd work at 1+ years because they didn't want to sign a ridiculous paper. I know of at least two other people who actively started to look for more jobs.

I feel like I'm in shock. Making us sign was horrible but tricking us into thinking we had to sign it, just to get rid of one person? That's so evil? What the hell? I guess my job isn't in jeopardy now but I'm still looking for a new one. How the hell can I work for someone that would do this to someone who worked here for over two years?

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