
Update: My prospective manager changed his mind during the second interview about letting me work 100% remote for a position that was advertised as 100% remote

Original: I decided to just wait it out and see what they said, rather than rescind. They got back to me after about a month, and rejected me. The HR person said the team talked after the interview, and decided to pursue someone else who was more well suited for the job. She admitted that the work remote discussion at the end was a large contributor. She also added, “This is likely not the news you were hoping to hear, let me know if you'd like to set up a call to discuss.” I responded back with, “I'm glad you found someone better suited for the job. Admittedly, the hour and half commute would have been very difficult for me. Thanks, -Similar_Perception” And that was the end of that. Good news though, I did get a full remote job with better pay elsewhere. Thank you all for your comments…


I decided to just wait it out and see what they said, rather than rescind. They got back to me after about a month, and rejected me. The HR person said the team talked after the interview, and decided to pursue someone else who was more well suited for the job. She admitted that the work remote discussion at the end was a large contributor. She also added, “This is likely not the news you were hoping to hear, let me know if you'd like to set up a call to discuss.”

I responded back with, “I'm glad you found someone better suited for the job. Admittedly, the hour and half commute would have been very difficult for me. Thanks, -Similar_Perception”

And that was the end of that.

Good news though, I did get a full remote job with better pay elsewhere. Thank you all for your comments on my last post, it made me make sure to be much more clear that “full remote” is non negotiable. And I got it!

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