
UPDATE – Non-contractual agreement to increase salary after probation, boss now completely ignoring me. WWYD?

Previous post here Only a quick update. No one has noticed/mentioned that I've stopped going to the daily stand-ups, my position is in a limbo between a few teams so I assume they all think I'm going to one of the other stand-ups. Works for me. I've done about 10 things in the last 2 weeks, each of which was a 5-10 minute piece of work. Beautiful By the crème de la crème is the company has recently received an offer to buy them out. Due to the way TUPE transfers like this work in the UK, I don't have to accept the transfer to the new company, and it removes the need for any notice. So come company transfer day, I'll be telling them I'm leaving and there's nothing they can do about it. Bonus would be if the inventory reports get lost during the transfer, and I get…

Previous post here

Only a quick update. No one has noticed/mentioned that I've stopped going to the daily stand-ups, my position is in a limbo between a few teams so I assume they all think I'm going to one of the other stand-ups. Works for me. I've done about 10 things in the last 2 weeks, each of which was a 5-10 minute piece of work. Beautiful

By the crème de la crème is the company has recently received an offer to buy them out. Due to the way TUPE transfers like this work in the UK, I don't have to accept the transfer to the new company, and it removes the need for any notice. So come company transfer day, I'll be telling them I'm leaving and there's nothing they can do about it.
Bonus would be if the inventory reports get lost during the transfer, and I get to keep the equipment

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