
Update on 0 hour issues

Original post: Developments; I have been reduced to 0 hours, still don't have another job, applying to everything I can think of, I have a docs appointment to maybe get meds for adhd so I can do art again since that pays decent money, but as of right now, after paying rent/utilities, I have £180, need to pay most of that for hormones for the next 9 months, then pay for the adhd prescription if I get one. I've applied to 10+ jobs this morning, from cleaning to amazon to administrative positions. I have been applying for months, I live in a resort town and the nearest jobs are 3 cities away. I hate that I'm having to choose between being able to buy food or medication, I have yogurt. Other than that I'm having to sponge off food my family makes. Do I have to file for benefits?…

Original post:

Developments; I have been reduced to 0 hours, still don't have another job, applying to everything I can think of, I have a docs appointment to maybe get meds for adhd so I can do art again since that pays decent money, but as of right now, after paying rent/utilities, I have £180, need to pay most of that for hormones for the next 9 months, then pay for the adhd prescription if I get one. I've applied to 10+ jobs this morning, from cleaning to amazon to administrative positions. I have been applying for months, I live in a resort town and the nearest jobs are 3 cities away.

I hate that I'm having to choose between being able to buy food or medication, I have yogurt. Other than that I'm having to sponge off food my family makes. Do I have to file for benefits? While I'm employed??!!
I'm so lost and upset with how the UK treats young workers.

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