
UPDATE on Redditor U/Jadex9 fired for requesting extra time to grieve his Mom passing. Company Response and Internal memo.

Jadex has gone radio silent under advisement. Details I can share. I have to be extremely careful with I post here, I have intimate knowledge of this situation and have been cleared to post this. JadeX has been advised by a TEAM of individuals to go radio silent in this matter. Over the last two days Koroseal has engaged in an outright brutal campaign of character assassination through private messages sent by employees and even posts on his threads, now there is no way to realistically trace these random posts to Koroseal, but these messages had intimate knowledge of details of JadeX employment. JadeX family life is very unusual, he is from a foreign country and was raised unconventionally, in an unconventional religion. He was also adopted. The company has ( according to an insider leak ) hired a PI and PR firm to try to destroy his public image.…

Jadex has gone radio silent under advisement. Details I can share.

I have to be extremely careful with I post here, I have intimate knowledge of this situation and have been cleared to post this.

JadeX has been advised by a TEAM of individuals to go radio silent in this matter.

Over the last two days Koroseal has engaged in an outright brutal campaign of character assassination through private messages sent by employees and even posts on his threads, now there is no way to realistically trace these random posts to Koroseal, but these messages had intimate knowledge of details of JadeX employment.

JadeX family life is very unusual, he is from a foreign country and was raised unconventionally, in an unconventional religion.

He was also adopted. The company has ( according to an insider leak ) hired a PI and PR firm to try to destroy his public image.

They started by claiming JadeX was hired in July and tried to extend his start date due to drug test,
They’re also using the fact that his kid was injured prior to his start date and he had to ask them to push it back to one of two start dates.

They’re also trying to use his being new at the job in a negative way to make it seem like he lied for unpaid time off.

There is way more I can not get into right now.
This leak is higher up and “ one of us “ Class solidarity.

JadeX has been housed in a hotel fully paid for, and has been connected with a TEAM of individuals who are representing him, we fully anticipate Koroseal to try to make JadeX life miserable. They are trying to frame his conversation with HR as a way
Of saying they mutually agreed to him leaving the company.

There was also an internal memo shared in which they outline most of their intentions stupidly.

Since I’m not ASSOCIATED WITH JADEX in any way, and this was sent to me anonymously I will post this memo now.

The company’s plan is to wait to see if all this “ blows over “ over the long weekend.

We are actively working/communicating with
worker reform Twitter accounts as well as Grassroots media outlets as well.

He’s been contacted by CNN Digital and Local Fox affiliates regarding this matter also.

Stand strong and FUCK KOROSEAL

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