
Update to being Fired over my mom dying! THANK you guys so much!

So I had posted on here and other subs regarding me being fired over my mom dying, Reddit actually came through for me in a huge way! They forced the offending company to scrub all social media, lock down their page and delete literally hundreds upon hundreds of comments on Twitter/X. I’m currently homeless, as a homeless dude this outpouring of support meant so much to me! To not feel invisible and have people literally have my back over this. My mom was my main ally, losing her crushed me, this job was supposed to be me getting out of sleeping in my car etc. losing both in such a short time is a punch, but il recover!

So I had posted on here and other subs regarding me being fired over my mom dying, Reddit actually came through for me in a huge way! They forced the offending company to scrub all social media, lock down their page and delete literally hundreds upon hundreds of comments on Twitter/X.

I’m currently homeless, as a homeless dude this outpouring of support meant so much to me! To not feel invisible and have people literally have my back over this.

My mom was my main ally, losing her crushed me, this job was supposed to be me getting out of sleeping in my car etc. losing both in such a short time is a punch, but il recover!

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