
Update to counting my sister’s death against me

Link to original post. Hey all. So the week has gotten as good and sh*tty as it could be. Upside, HR came through for me. They took the writeup off and counted the day missed as bereavement and I've had today off. Tomorrow is her funeral and we were blessed enough that someone anonymously donated to her funeral costs and paid the whole thing even putting her obituary in the paper for us. The people I work with have been absolutely amazing. They, along with the supervisors, went around collecting money to donate and its gone straight to my nieces. I don't even know how they managed this without me noticing. I've been very thankful for how head of HR handled this. I feel it would have gone much differently if I had gotten to talk to him directly instead. Unfortunately now I have two funerals to attend. I…

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Hey all. So the week has gotten as good and sh*tty as it could be. Upside, HR came through for me. They took the writeup off and counted the day missed as bereavement and I've had today off. Tomorrow is her funeral and we were blessed enough that someone anonymously donated to her funeral costs and paid the whole thing even putting her obituary in the paper for us. The people I work with have been absolutely amazing. They, along with the supervisors, went around collecting money to donate and its gone straight to my nieces. I don't even know how they managed this without me noticing. I've been very thankful for how head of HR handled this. I feel it would have gone much differently if I had gotten to talk to him directly instead.

Unfortunately now I have two funerals to attend. I just got told today that my aunt also passed this Tuesday. It's a rough week, rough year. This will make five funerals this year alone.

This probably isn't the update expected. I'm surprised and thankful, so damn thankful, that this worked better than I expected, but the added stress from the other HR worker has solidified my decision to look for a new job still once I'm doing better mentally. Probably within the next year.

To whoever reached out to reddit in concern after my last post, I thank you too so very much. Next week I restart therapy. We'll see how it goes from there. It's just one step at a time.

Thank you everyone.

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