
UPDATE TO: I have three back to back interview with the same company and I am so confused

Hi all, I am the girl who about a month ago I asked for input on how to handle 3 back to back interviews(1 and a half hour long with no breaks). it's been about a little over two weeks since I interviewed with them soon to be 3 weeks. I am a bit confused to be honest and need to get more input. I heard from them last week because I followed with them to get a status update as two weeks had gone by and radio silence( I wanted to rip the bandaid off if I wasn't being considered) and to my surprise they advised I was a top candidate but they were waiting for someone to get back from vacation before they made anymore decisions. That was last thrusday and about today I saw the same job that I applied for listed on their website(everywhere else was…

Hi all,

I am the girl who about a month ago I asked for input on how to handle 3 back to back interviews(1 and a half hour long with no breaks). it's been about a little over two weeks since I interviewed with them soon to be 3 weeks. I am a bit confused to be honest and need to get more input. I heard from them last week because I followed with them to get a status update as two weeks had gone by and radio silence( I wanted to rip the bandaid off if I wasn't being considered) and to my surprise they advised I was a top candidate but they were waiting for someone to get back from vacation before they made anymore decisions.

That was last thrusday and about today I saw the same job that I applied for listed on their website(everywhere else was listed as expired). I am bit deflated by this as I am unsure as how to interpret this. Should I just assume they are not interested in my application anymore? or Am I just being too pessimistic. If I hadn't followed up I'd just dismiss this job role immediately and move on I suppose as again I was not expecting anything out of it initially but since I did get an email advising me I was a top candidate and that they had nothing but positive feedback I don't want to be dismissive or overtly doomer. But again I don't want to waste too much time and effort and emotional energy on it just to receive a rejection email.

So I am looking for insight if folks had this happen to them and how to approach it. Should I follow up again sometime in the future or just wait for them to get back to me with their final decision and not worry about it too much?

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