
UPDATE to possibly getting fired over dye stains on skin

Previous post is So a few hours ago I got out of the meeting. I did read as many comments as possible and listened to everyone's opinions. I promised an update soo.. I get to the meeting and despite all the listed issues only regarding hair dye stains, sure enough it was a laundry list of problems they had for me. The meeting consisted of two mid-level managers, one recently promoted. I was basically not able to plead my case at all in this meeting and I was talked over if I tried. They called it a “performance review” and when I asked for further clarification on whether or not this was a disciplinary meeting it went unanswered. In the meeting they told me that the hair dye stains, despite being accidental and lasting only one day, had caused them to review the dress code and what they deemed…

Previous post is

So a few hours ago I got out of the meeting. I did read as many comments as possible and listened to everyone's opinions. I promised an update soo..

I get to the meeting and despite all the listed issues only regarding hair dye stains, sure enough it was a laundry list of problems they had for me. The meeting consisted of two mid-level managers, one recently promoted. I was basically not able to plead my case at all in this meeting and I was talked over if I tried. They called it a “performance review” and when I asked for further clarification on whether or not this was a disciplinary meeting it went unanswered.

In the meeting they told me that the hair dye stains, despite being accidental and lasting only one day, had caused them to review the dress code and what they deemed appropriate (because as you guys pointed out the dress code was extremely vauge)

No hair dye stains were added to the list however they made a few other changes that they fully admitted were done solely because of me. The big change they've made to the dress code is no skirts. No skirts at all. Not knee length, ankle length, none. I am currently the only employee that chooses to wear skirts and upon me being hired I double checked that that would be ok. I've never received a verbal warning or write up for my skirts. I asked if it was because of length, as I usually go for just above the knee however it's not outlined in the dress code and they did not specify and went forth in banning skirts despite me being the only person that wears them. I don't own pants and informed them of this. They essentially said get some and told me they'd be providing me with a future uniform credit.

They didn't even give me a write up or make me sign anything but they did attempt to make me sign the new uniform agreement, which I did not do because I don't own pants and I don't want to sign an agreement saying I have to wear them. This just seems ridiculous to me. Especially since when I was called in for the meeting i was supposed to be getting a final warning write up that I was never given.

I also want to note that in this meeting they told me I would no longer be allowed to eat at the front desk, however on my shift I am not permitted to clock out to take a 30 minute break nor do I have anyone to cover me at the desk to step away to eat. They kinda said it last minute so I wasn't able to process it.

All in all I'm confused. What they called me in for doesn't track with what the meeting ended up focusing on, and while not being fired is awesome, the way I was treated during this meeting made me feel horrible and like I did something wrong. I even asked about my performance work-wise during the meeting and they had no complaints. What's going to happen to me if I don't wear pants? Is it legal for them to force me to wear pants and not eat for 8 hours? Help yall…

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