
Update:(I WAS FIRED)Sent home from work for “sleeping”. I was actually just reclined back in my chair eyes closed trying to figure out a complicated issue.

I was “let go” without cause for incidents WEEKS prior, one incident my car KISSED the chain link fence in our parking lot and one of the warehouse guys who seen it jokingly brought it up while within earshot of my boss. I had to explain there's 0 damage, not even to my car. I didn't think anything of it. The next incident was maybe 2 weeks later, I forgot my work phone at home so I spun my car around to grab it. Sped to work and got there with a minute to spare. Unfortunately when I was parking, admittedly in a hurry to get to my desk on time I didn't see a company vehicle in my blind spot when I was parking. I slowly backed up and made contact with the front bumper of the car leaving some scratches, a paint chip and a slightly misaligned bumper.…

I was “let go” without cause for incidents WEEKS prior, one incident my car KISSED the chain link fence in our parking lot and one of the warehouse guys who seen it jokingly brought it up while within earshot of my boss. I had to explain there's 0 damage, not even to my car. I didn't think anything of it. The next incident was maybe 2 weeks later, I forgot my work phone at home so I spun my car around to grab it. Sped to work and got there with a minute to spare. Unfortunately when I was parking, admittedly in a hurry to get to my desk on time I didn't see a company vehicle in my blind spot when I was parking. I slowly backed up and made contact with the front bumper of the car leaving some scratches, a paint chip and a slightly misaligned bumper. When it happened I was 100 percent forthcoming to the driver, my safety coordinator and ops manager and even offered to pay for any damages.

How does this tie into my post?

Well after I was sent home for “sleeping” I sent my boss a text explaining that I Infact wasn't sleeping and just doing some mental gymnastics when my coworker unexpectedly threw an unactivated mouse trap surprising me. This coworker then told our ops manager who then told the big boss.

I came in early the next day, sat down and worked for about 6 hours, was actually having a very productive day when I was tapped on the shoulder by my ops manager who asked to speak with me in her office. She had Microsoft teams booted up with my boss and our head of HR. I was “let go due to being a company liability”.

Why? Because I disclosed my mental health to my boss the months previous and had let him know that I would be requiring treatment that would require me to be out of office and bare minimum unavailable for 2 hours. (I got approved for a 8 week ketamine treatment program and had emailed him the schedule beforehand). The first few appointments were very early meaning I either wouldn't be in until super late or unable to come in at all depending on the dose they give me. (They gradually increase every time and my body handles it differently everytime). Atleast where I'm from, legally employers have the duty to oblige for anything medical related. This on-top of the 7 different medications my co-workers have been watching me take every day for the last year and a half. I sent this schedule to my boss 3 days before my firing. The next day I was asked by HR to see my doctor within 72hrs to have a “modified work duties” form filled but I didn't need any accomodation other than what I asked for. The doctor was even confused as to what they wanted. I thought it was fine and he seemed supportive other than saying “you're taking a party drug?”. I explained what it actually was and how it worked and he seemed on board. Guess not.

I had a panic attack as soon as the call was over and my ops manager went from absolute bitch all the time to the only time she's ever really been nice to me and said alot of nice things to me. I was too emotional to empty my desk so she did it and brought me everything and helped carry my stuff to my car. When we got there she gave me a half hug and said “call your mom for me so I don't worry about you all day”.

I did just that and explained what happened to my mom who work in the safety field and works closely with her HR department. She told me right away to find an employment lawyer as their reasoning for the firing was complete BS and they could be liable for more than they're willing to pay me out in my “severance package”. So I retained one and went over EVERYTHING together and he believes I have a strong case but since I wasn't there for something like 8 or 10 years, to not expect a huge payout or anything. Maybe a few extra weeks/months and all commissions owed to me.

My lawyer is drafting a counter offer to my former companies legal team today to fight for me and my wrongful dismissal.

Why am I updating this story 2 weeks later? Obviously I've been super depressed about it all. It was the highest paying gig I've ever had. But I just got off the phone for my first phone interview with another company which put a little twinkle in my eye.

Anyways, fuck them and I hope my boss gets in shit when I end up staying on payroll longer than expected.

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