
Upper management is made up of older people who paid off their homes in the 90s and don’t see paychecks the same way we do.

Goddammit I wish I could make them walk in our shoes. You bought your house when it was $200k. Now that same home would cost around $450k with a mortgage around $2500 a month. The 3yr employees here make $22hr and you cannot find a home under $400k. So by my high school math, you'd have to work here for 15yrs before you make enough to afford a mortgage. I work a state job BTW. A job that's supposed to be rewarding and has great benefits. But in reality, alot of workers here qualify for food stamps cause of the pay and come to work sick cause 1sick day a month is not enough when you have children. They will fire your ass for taking off without pay so if you get really sick and have no paid time off to take, you are screwed.

Goddammit I wish I could make them walk in our shoes. You bought your house when it was $200k. Now that same home would cost around $450k with a mortgage around $2500 a month. The 3yr employees here make $22hr and you cannot find a home under $400k. So by my high school math, you'd have to work here for 15yrs before you make enough to afford a mortgage. I work a state job BTW. A job that's supposed to be rewarding and has great benefits. But in reality, alot of workers here qualify for food stamps cause of the pay and come to work sick cause 1sick day a month is not enough when you have children. They will fire your ass for taking off without pay so if you get really sick and have no paid time off to take, you are screwed.

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