
Ups and downs

My last day at the previous company I worked for was 6 years ago today. I worked at a small t shirt printing company making $15 an hour working 40 hours a week. First “real official” job as a graphic designer. Should have known how it would end when they started off with the good ol' “We're like one big family” It was my first role as a designer so given I wasn't knowledgable in some parts (color separation for screen printing) but I was hired with the “don't worry you'll learn as you work” When I would mess up the owner who was very hands on would come in to the office and yell out “OP YOU FUCKED ME! THIS ISN'T GOOD” He didn't care who was in the office he even did this when he would have buyers come in. He would often go on his republican rants,…

My last day at the previous company I worked for was 6 years ago today. I worked at a small t shirt printing company making $15 an hour working 40 hours a week. First “real official” job as a graphic designer. Should have known how it would end when they started off with the good ol' “We're like one big family” It was my first role as a designer so given I wasn't knowledgable in some parts (color separation for screen printing) but I was hired with the “don't worry you'll learn as you work” When I would mess up the owner who was very hands on would come in to the office and yell out


He didn't care who was in the office he even did this when he would have buyers come in. He would often go on his republican rants, there would be a lot of sexual jokes made that were very cringe between him and his wife (she was the assistant manager). His wife is a whole other story for another day but she reminded me of Carmela from The Sopranos but more of a bitch. I can go all day on how much of an asshole this guy was. Towards the end he started timing our bathroom use. Not sure how long that lasted though I walked out a week after he implemented that dumbass rule cause he said something racists about the Spanish warehouse workers where he compared them to animals. IM SPANISH!!! I told him “fuck you” and left.

Boy let me tell you God is good. While I was waiting for my bus I get a call from an apparel company offering me 20k more a year asking me when I could start. Fast forward to today…haven't received a raise in a year was given the title “Creative Director” in May when I was promised a raise was officially denied the raise in July. Told my boss if Im not getting the raise that was promised by taking on this role I don't want it. He threw a fit because now he has to do the work that I was stupidly doing for him for the past few months. My work output has decreased and I'm no longer motivated to work my ass off for the same company that bailed me out 6 years ago.

My bosses reasoning for not approving my raise…get this…He doesn't want the lady in charge of payroll to get mad that I'm the only one who got a raise, but in the same breath tell me how well the company is doing and how many orders we're getting cause “our clients just love your designs they always ask for you specifically” Since July I've mentally clocked out guess I can change my name to Justin now cause I do just enough work to not get fired.

In my 33 years of life I've had many ups and downs. So to everyone having a shitty day at work don't worry it will work out. For how long it will work out…who knows so don't let the down's bum you out and just make sure you enjoy the highs when you're up.

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