
Using PTO within 2 week notice

Wrote a very professional resignation letter and submitted it on 10/20 after asking my direct supervisor to meet with me prior to submission. My last day with the company is 11/3. I will be starting a new job in the coming week. I have 44 hours of unused PTO that will be paid out (heavily taxed) in the coming weeks. Some personal things occurred over the weekend that lead me to needing to use an unscheduled PTO day today (leaving me with a remaining 44 hours). Prior to requesting today off, I reached out to my supervisor at 4am this morning before work. I sent 3 messages asking for a PTO day. I waited online since 6am to see when my supervisor would be logged on. After 11 this morning, she finally got back to me saying it wasn't approved. I messaged her again this evening asking to use PTO…

Wrote a very professional resignation letter and submitted it on 10/20 after asking my direct supervisor to meet with me prior to submission. My last day with the company is 11/3. I will be starting a new job in the coming week. I have 44 hours of unused PTO that will be paid out (heavily taxed) in the coming weeks. Some personal things occurred over the weekend that lead me to needing to use an unscheduled PTO day today (leaving me with a remaining 44 hours). Prior to requesting today off, I reached out to my supervisor at 4am this morning before work. I sent 3 messages asking for a PTO day. I waited online since 6am to see when my supervisor would be logged on. After 11 this morning, she finally got back to me saying it wasn't approved. I messaged her again this evening asking to use PTO hours for just 2 days this week, because I need some personal time. My supervisor told me to “read the resignation and termination policy very carefully.” So I did. Seems like there a lot of hoops to jump through for this to be aprpoved. I've already felt the need to explain why I need this day, which really shouldn't need to be explained at all. I've been professional and respectful throughout this entire process. I know policies differ across companies, and some times PTO can't be used in your two week notice. But at this point, I'm not sure what to do. It's nonnegotiable – at least for me.

What should I do? Should I inform rather than request at this point? I don't want to burn any bridges, and I'm worried that I won't be paid for the past 2 weeks if I don't go in the remainder of this week. Help!!!!!!

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