
Vacation for July ‘23 has been booked since September ‘22 and my boss is now saying I might not be able to go

rant/ As the title says, I have had a vacation trip booked since last September (and have been reminding my boss about it.) For context, I work for a company but run my own location. My partner and I are long distance so this trip will be the only time I have a) seen him since end of April, b) the only trip we were able to plan for the year, and c) won’t be able to see him til the fall. I brought up my time off again recently and he is now saying he’ll have some conditions if I want to go. Now I am being told there’s a huge project on the day before I leave. I am going to talk to him today about moving the project up a week or two and I will put in as much work as I can leading up to…

As the title says, I have had a vacation trip booked since last September (and have been reminding my boss about it.) For context, I work for a company but run my own location.

My partner and I are long distance so this trip will be the only time I have a) seen him since end of April, b) the only trip we were able to plan for the year, and c) won’t be able to see him til the fall.

I brought up my time off again recently and he is now saying he’ll have some conditions if I want to go.

Now I am being told there’s a huge project on the day before I leave. I am going to talk to him today about moving the project up a week or two and I will put in as much work as I can leading up to it but idk, can they fire me for taking off my vacation without approval? I have spent a good $700-800 already and I need to nourish my relationship and my own mental health in order to be my best self for the rest of the year.

Just to be clear, I am not a bad employee. In fact, I’m great at my job and what I do, I go the extra mile because I do genuinely enjoy my work and the people I work with. My boss is also a great person, he and I are good friends now even outside of work so I don’t get why he has to make my life hard right now haha. AHHH!!! thanks for listening if you made it to the end of my rant. Also any advice is always appreciated

(I’m not quitting my job though, I have worked really hard and like I said, enjoy my job a lot and have 0 intention of leaving on bad terms with anyone)


Edit: Edited to omit details in case boss sees this

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