
Vacation pay scam..

So I will first say I would completely have understood if someone said at my job “this is the way it is you have not been with us long enough for vacation pay”.. Instead what the owner did was short me on hours and didn't pay me long enough to cause confusion and pay me far less than what I was owed. It started with writing down my hours until I was in the computer and then once the computer was working to clock in, computer tickets told me I had worked ex amount of hours but the check reflected otherwise.. when I brought it up I was reassured that I would definitely be paid this guy always pays blah blah blah.. so after trying to not pay me them at all I brought it back up after a check was cut for wrong amount and they still shorted me…

So I will first say I would completely have understood if someone said at my job “this is the way it is you have not been with us long enough for vacation pay”.. Instead what the owner did was short me on hours and didn't pay me long enough to cause confusion and pay me far less than what I was owed. It started with writing down my hours until I was in the computer and then once the computer was working to clock in, computer tickets told me I had worked ex amount of hours but the check reflected otherwise.. when I brought it up I was reassured that I would definitely be paid this guy always pays blah blah blah.. so after trying to not pay me them at all I brought it back up after a check was cut for wrong amount and they still shorted me and tried to argue the math.. by then I had thrown my receipts with hours away and it had been long enough I had to do a lot of guessing numbers with math to double check my numbers again. But even when giving them a handicap and me the disadvantage with the numbers they still shorted me 4hours.. Now 4 hours still due they force a vacation on everyone.. I've only been there a little over a month at this point but am told, no I will definitely still get paid vacation even as little time as I've been there.. so the owner puts an extra $100 as “vacation pay” on my check which gets taxed.. anywhere else I've ever been vacation pay comes on separate checks so it doesn't get taxed.. so anyway after paying the taxes on that $100 I got $60 of it.. which is exactly what they owed me for the 4hours.. actually it was a little more but like I said I had to re do numbers I thought were set and even then it was still to my favor after giving them a handicap with the math.. so basically he kept my money (basically stole it) to give to me later to make it look like he gave me vacation pay even though I hadn't been there 90days.. mind you I'm filling 2 peoples positions, everything I do should take 2 people and I do it in half the time it takes 2..meaning I'm working twice and twice as hard and getting paid once already and now all this.. am I wrong for being pissed off? this is not the only bullshite that has happened either it's been one thing after another and I'm in the middle of nowhere there aren't a lot of jobs out here or that I can get to without a car.. I'm grateful I have a job at all even though I'm technically a slave right now.. I'm trying to find a place to live as well and none of this is helping me with it.. I'm 35 and going through a separation from wife possibly divorce if things don't change on top of it all, life just won't stop.. I'm looking for other work now this was definitely the straw that broke the camel's back but for real FML…

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