
Vague threats

I quit my job back in November! Yay! Here’s some context for this picture: My very good friend and I used to work at this pizza place in our city (small business). We were both “assistant managers” which barely means anything. We had a key to the store, make the deposits at the end of the night, and override transactions, that’s about it; otherwise we do exactly the same job as everyone else. My friend’s last shift was Sunday night, on Monday, she and I went in to pick up her last pay stub and tips together. The aggressor in the picture above was our coworker (same title as us; assistant manager). The aggressor LOVES writing these detailed passive aggressive notes to the rest of staff about how bad we are at our jobs. On Monday she had written a page long note to staff about how they needed to…

I quit my job back in November! Yay!

Here’s some context for this picture:
My very good friend and I used to work at this pizza place in our city (small business). We were both “assistant managers” which barely means anything. We had a key to the store, make the deposits at the end of the night, and override transactions, that’s about it; otherwise we do exactly the same job as everyone else. My friend’s last shift was Sunday night, on Monday, she and I went in to pick up her last pay stub and tips together. The aggressor in the picture above was our coworker (same title as us; assistant manager). The aggressor LOVES writing these detailed passive aggressive notes to the rest of staff about how bad we are at our jobs. On Monday she had written a page long note to staff about how they needed to do their jobs better, the usual, except there is a new employee (“D”) who is brand new and has only worked about two shifts. The aggressor wrote a note to D telling him to try harder and be better at his job. My friend saw this note and as a final “haha” tongue-in-cheek moment wrote out a response (pictured above) to that note in the same tone as the aggressor and left it for the aggressor to see. The text is what our former coworker wrote to my friend.

I quit this job for a number of reasons. This lady (who is 50 btw!) is one of the most unprofessional people I’ve ever met. She may be aggressive, but she’s also a raging homophobe/transphobe and outwardly racist, but don’t worry it cancels out when you’re a devout Catholic, right? It boggles my mind as to how she still has a job at this point. My friend sent a screenshot of this message to our former boss and all he said to this was “this is disappointing and uncalled for”. He is very much aware of this woman’s behavior as I’ve complained to him about her, my friend has multiple times, and other former employees have made complaints. Hell, I’ve even had customers complain to me about her.

I’m so glad I quit this job when I did. I couldn’t take the harassment anymore from that employee and my boss for pennies above minimum wage (I made $16/hour). It’s shit like this that makes good employees quit and it’s really sad that employers would rather keep aggressive, vindictive FREAKS around than do what makes sense and take out the trash.

Please ask me questions about this job I will happily respond! I have more examples of the pattern of behavior with the aggressor.

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