
Vehicle OEMs terrible pay

I just want to start this off by saying I am very fortunate in what I have and this is mostly to vent and seek advice. I know a lot of people have it worse than I do and I hope the best for them but I am just frustrated with my situation. So I work for one of the big 3 car OEMs in the Detroit area. I have an engineering degree from a good school and have been working for a couple of years now. I recently learned that as an engineer I am making about the same or less as the average line worker, am in the bottom 25% of the pay scale for people at my salary level, and I’ve been taunted with a promotion for the past 6 months. With student loans restarting, semi-recently buying a small home that I can barely afford, and the…

I just want to start this off by saying I am very fortunate in what I have and this is mostly to vent and seek advice. I know a lot of people have it worse than I do and I hope the best for them but I am just frustrated with my situation.

So I work for one of the big 3 car OEMs in the Detroit area. I have an engineering degree from a good school and have been working for a couple of years now. I recently learned that as an engineer I am making about the same or less as the average line worker, am in the bottom 25% of the pay scale for people at my salary level, and I’ve been taunted with a promotion for the past 6 months. With student loans restarting, semi-recently buying a small home that I can barely afford, and the union threatening strike, I’m worried about my future at the company and how I’m going to be able to afford everything.
I brought up the pay issue with my manager and he said we don’t just give raises out for no reason. I expressed my concern since while accounting for inflation I actually make less than when I started but he said there’s nothing they can do. I was told that a promotion was in my near future but that was 6 months ago and even then it was hinted that the pay raise rarely exceeds 10%. The union seems like they are going to strike and will probably get at least a 25%, if not the 40% they are asking for, pay raise while I will not and I was told that I may have to take a pay cut while the union is striking. I also only get straight time for working overtime and/or holidays because I’m salary. I worked a lot of extra hours last year just to cover the bills.
I don’t particularly want to switch companies since the house I bought is close to work but I’m not sure what else I can do. Even if I do is it better at other places? I’m tired of struggling even though it feels like I did all the “right” things. I got an engineering degree because I was told it was a good paying job with lots of stability but it definitely doesn’t feel that way at the moment. Considered bluffing a job offer from a different company to get a raise but I’ve heard that HR will not bid to keep people but I don’t know for certain.

Any advice on my situation is welcome. What are people’s plan to make this better for everyone? I know it’s even harder for a lot of people. Is it feasible to start an engineering union so things like this don’t happen?

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