
Vent- 28 Interviews and no offer so far

I just need to vent. My current work place is toxic. The CEO, his buddy and my boss are trying their best to mob me out of my job. I'm not US-based so I enjoy job protection as a father of a baby and it would cost them firing me. They hate that I can't work overtime anymore due to my responsibilities as a father and I'm not one of those who they bullied into submission before. Hah, no thanks I rather leave on my own terms. So I have been interviewing and went through these whole 6-7 interview rounds hellscape. And I just missed that little bit of luck to beat my competitors. I'm so fed up with this BS hiring. Fuck HR and their fucking case studies and fucking BS questions. I'm good at the job I'm doing, I have experience and can answer all the questions, but…

I just need to vent. My current work place is toxic. The CEO, his buddy and my boss are trying their best to mob me out of my job. I'm not US-based so I enjoy job protection as a father of a baby and it would cost them firing me.

They hate that I can't work overtime anymore due to my responsibilities as a father and I'm not one of those who they bullied into submission before. Hah, no thanks I rather leave on my own terms.

So I have been interviewing and went through these whole 6-7 interview rounds hellscape. And I just missed that little bit of luck to beat my competitors. I'm so fed up with this BS hiring. Fuck HR and their fucking case studies and fucking BS questions. I'm good at the job I'm doing, I have experience and can answer all the questions, but then they play a bullshit card, like someone else just did a little bit better.

I'm fucking burned out from working full time in a hell-company, putting myself through interview hell, while taking care of a toddler and a depressed wife who has her own mental health battles. I'm feeling like only a week away from a total mental breakdown and with that of my income and family, too.

Why the fuck is it always me or my wife who go through the most massive shit?

  • Visa not renewed, we had to move countries, good jobs gone
  • Both found new job within a few months in another country. Then got laid off both within weeks after a little more over a year and a half
  • Get new jobs, finally stable at the beginning of our 40ies, having a baby and a mortgage
  • 2 years later I'm being fucked by my employer and she is battling mental illness

Just give me a fucking break

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