
Vent – I don’t understand how everyone just accepts ridiculous shit at work

I work in a large warehouse. Warehouses generally don't run worth a shit, but as long as the money is flowing, nobody bothers fixing anything. One example: there is an area that's probably 120 sq. ft. We pick parts for orders and drop them off here. It's divided into two sections with even # bays on this side, odd # bays on that side. The system will have us drop off an order at bay 8, then bay 5…so you drive your equipment (or some people are on foot) around to the other side to drop off. Then the system has you go to bay 4…. other side, then bay 5 again… other side. You might have 10 to 12 drop-offs at a time. It's fucking ridiculous, but despite everyone complaining about how fucking stupid and inefficient it is, leadership just shrugs and says “yeah, oh well.” AND the fucking…

I work in a large warehouse. Warehouses generally don't run worth a shit, but as long as the money is flowing, nobody bothers fixing anything.

One example: there is an area that's probably 120 sq. ft. We pick parts for orders and drop them off here. It's divided into two sections with even # bays on this side, odd # bays on that side.

The system will have us drop off an order at bay 8, then bay 5…so you drive your equipment (or some people are on foot) around to the other side to drop off. Then the system has you go to bay 4…. other side, then bay 5 again… other side. You might have 10 to 12 drop-offs at a time.

It's fucking ridiculous, but despite everyone complaining about how fucking stupid and inefficient it is, leadership just shrugs and says “yeah, oh well.”

AND the fucking system doles out orders one at a time, and one of the supervisors literally has to sit in front of a computer and load a new order when someone finishes the previous one. “Yeah, oh well.”

I feel like I'm fucking psycho that shit like this passes me off, but everyone else is, at most, mildly shake their heads and keeps going like everything is fine. I've been here only a few weeks, and everyone has been working overtime since fucking February (daily overtime and an extra 6 hour day most weeks). “It's supposed to slow down soon.”


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