
-Vent- Rejected From Retail Position Within 10 Minutes

I just left a, generally, wonderful job because the hours didn't make sense for me. My new job fell through, and I'm back into the thick of it, applying anywhere that's hiring. Within 10 minutes of applying, I get an email from Ross saying that I was not experienced enough to work there. Of course, they “wish me the best.” I have over two years of retail experience and over 4 years of work experience. How in the world am I not qualified to stock shirts? What do they want?

I just left a, generally, wonderful job because the hours didn't make sense for me. My new job fell through, and I'm back into the thick of it, applying anywhere that's hiring. Within 10 minutes of applying, I get an email from Ross saying that I was not experienced enough to work there. Of course, they “wish me the best.” I have over two years of retail experience and over 4 years of work experience. How in the world am I not qualified to stock shirts? What do they want?

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