
Vent warning: Toxic manager so I took stress leave

Had a kid about 15 months ago and took 3 months parental leave to stay home and help wifey tackle the first few difficult months. When I returned to work, I felt judged and a bit retaliated against by my toxic (female) boss. All of a sudden, ‘I wasn’t pulling my weight’ and leaving at 4pm was ‘the bare minimum.’ I’m her longest tenured employee (5 years) and have had no negative performance evaluations. She even signed me up for leadership training before I left on parental leave… When I asked to flex my time so that I could pick kiddo up from daycare she responded by telling me our hours of operation and to keep my kid in daycare longer cause ‘we’ve all been there.’ She now says I abuse the perks offered to me by our employer … (time off for personal doctors appointments and appointments with kiddo.)…

Had a kid about 15 months ago and took 3 months parental leave to stay home and help wifey tackle the first few difficult months.
When I returned to work, I felt judged and a bit retaliated against by my toxic (female) boss. All of a sudden, ‘I wasn’t pulling my weight’ and leaving at 4pm was ‘the bare minimum.’ I’m her longest tenured employee (5 years) and have had no negative performance evaluations. She even signed me up for leadership training before I left on parental leave…

When I asked to flex my time so that I could pick kiddo up from daycare she responded by telling me our hours of operation and to keep my kid in daycare longer cause ‘we’ve all been there.’ She now says I abuse the perks offered to me by our employer … (time off for personal doctors appointments and appointments with kiddo.)

Anyways… I decided to reach out to HR about her behaviour and attitude. Her telling me what to do with my kid was the straw that broke the camels back… HR did absolutely nothing other than make the situation worse by letting her know I consulted them… So I finally said fuck it and went on full paid sick (stress) leave since mid July and I’m actively looking for other jobs.

I can’t wait to email her to let her know that I’m not coming back.

Fuck employer loyalty and fuck toxic managers.

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