
Vent: Went through 5 levels of interviews, including a final interview with the company owner who traveled from NC to FL and verbally offered me the job. A week later they rescinded the offer.

I’m livid. I received nothing more than a secretary saying they felt I didn’t have enough experience. I tried reaching out to the interviewers to at least get feedback for future prospects. I was ghosted. I’d expect this from a major conglomerate or even hospital system for an upper level position, but this is a mid-sized company attempting to gain a foothold in their market. I don’t understand burning a bridge like that. I found out that they hired someone else when a friend sent me their press release announcing the new hire. If they had said, “we think you are amazing, but this other person showed up at the last second and we are moving forward with her, but would love to remain in touch”, at least it’s something that I could wrap my head around. It stays objective but diplomatic, doesn’t close any doors for them completely, and…

I’m livid. I received nothing more than a secretary saying they felt I didn’t have enough experience. I tried reaching out to the interviewers to at least get feedback for future prospects. I was ghosted. I’d expect this from a major conglomerate or even hospital system for an upper level position, but this is a mid-sized company attempting to gain a foothold in their market. I don’t understand burning a bridge like that.

I found out that they hired someone else when a friend sent me their press release announcing the new hire. If they had said, “we think you are amazing, but this other person showed up at the last second and we are moving forward with her, but would love to remain in touch”, at least it’s something that I could wrap my head around. It stays objective but diplomatic, doesn’t close any doors for them completely, and doesn’t suggest it is an inherent issue on my part. Saying I don’t have enough experience with no further explanation was just ludicrous to me.

Worse, I am an RN and have almost 15 years experience in this niche area of this field. I have around 30 years of working life left ahead of me. They opted for someone who has 5 years max in a location they say they are trying to break into long term. In the nursing world, specifically in my specialty, I am not considered “inexperienced” by any stretch of the imagination. But it would be a choice that at least made sense to me even if I obviously wouldn’t agree with it and I do think this is what pisses me off the most.

I’m exhausted with this whole process.

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