
[venting] Got my vacation week canceled

Today I got the happy news that my summer vacation was canceled due to stuff that needs to be done, which is long overdue. I made plans but no reservations so no problem there. My GF did take vacation for that same week, we'll see if she can cancel it. This is the second time in one month that my vacation time is canceled. Last time whole company was on vacation except me. Had to work on national holiday and sunday. Neither of which I'm supposed to. This time it will be me and two colleagues who will work while the whole company is off. Last month I worked 260h. Wasn't enough I suppose. All is paid but at the same rate as any other hour, not like propper overtime that should be paid more hourly. I thought about quitting but even though I might find another job fairly quickly…

Today I got the happy news that my summer vacation was canceled due to stuff that needs to be done, which is long overdue. I made plans but no reservations so no problem there. My GF did take vacation for that same week, we'll see if she can cancel it. This is the second time in one month that my vacation time is canceled. Last time whole company was on vacation except me. Had to work on national holiday and sunday. Neither of which I'm supposed to. This time it will be me and two colleagues who will work while the whole company is off. Last month I worked 260h. Wasn't enough I suppose. All is paid but at the same rate as any other hour, not like propper overtime that should be paid more hourly. I thought about quitting but even though I might find another job fairly quickly I will be payed a lot less and won't have a company car for getting to work and private use around the city. FML

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