
Venting: No one wants to work!

be in IT lots of jobs posting no one is actually hiring employer posts job. employer: hey ((me)) please apply you would be a great fit (asking multiple times over the course of six months) employer does not post salary range do quick googling to find median range and put it in my application was told I was excluded for asking to much insisted there was no range offered so I had to do my own research was told salary range was about half of fair market value and that’s why they don’t post it Some of us want to work we just want to work for a fare fucking wage. This cycle never ends.

be in IT lots of jobs posting no one is actually hiring

employer posts job.

employer: hey ((me)) please apply you would be a great fit (asking multiple times over the course of six months)

employer does not post salary range

do quick googling to find median range and put it in my application

was told I was excluded for asking to much
insisted there was no range offered so I had to do my own research

was told salary range was about half of fair market value and that’s why they don’t post it

Some of us want to work we just want to work for a fare fucking wage. This cycle never ends.

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