
Venting on two weeks notice culture

Background: I'm 23. I scribe at a health clinic. My counterpart left and my workload has effectively doubled because we still see the same amount of patients. I'm only staying on for a short period because I will be starting med school, but nonetheless feel a raise is more than appropriate for the remaining months I have. I asked for a significant wage adjustment and made a compelling case for why it is deserved and how the company is still profiting off my excess labor, blah blah. It took 3 days for them to stop ghosting my emails, and now they're throwing me signs that I'm not going to get anywhere close to my request because “it wouldn't be fair to the other employees, as our standard raise is much lower than your request” (translation: we underpay our other employees too, so our hands are tied uwu, pity pity). Anyways…


I'm 23. I scribe at a health clinic. My counterpart left and my workload has effectively doubled because we still see the same amount of patients. I'm only staying on for a short period because I will be starting med school, but nonetheless feel a raise is more than appropriate for the remaining months I have. I asked for a significant wage adjustment and made a compelling case for why it is deserved and how the company is still profiting off my excess labor, blah blah. It took 3 days for them to stop ghosting my emails, and now they're throwing me signs that I'm not going to get anywhere close to my request because “it wouldn't be fair to the other employees, as our standard raise is much lower than your request” (translation: we underpay our other employees too, so our hands are tied uwu, pity pity). Anyways chances are they won't pay me what I earn, so I will have to quit. Bummer, I might have to enjoy my summer, visit family, and not mainline 11 hours of pure exhaustion.

To The Venting:

I told my roommate that I was likely going to quit. He asked, “Ah, so you're going to put in your 2-weeks?”. I told him that I was not going to put in 2 weeks, and most likely leave next week instead. after hearing my response, He looked at me like I had murdered someone and goes “wow okay” in an obviously judgemental tone. I had to do a double take because I know for a fact my roommate has worked some shitty jobs, so I expected him to understand that workplace courtesies are kind of a two way street. Or at least, they should be in 2023. Ie. Why would I afford the courtesy of two weeks notice when 1. I would not be afforded the same if fired, and 2. I am not being reasonably compensated for my work during that time.

And yet, his judgement still hits because I was also raised in America and brought up to be a nice little wage slave. Here I am thinking about how my actions are going to impact my fellow employees who like me have been neglected, and I'm questioning if I should just suck it up for them. I hate it. I especially hate it because I know that I'm entering into a field where workers neglect themselves constantly to improve the lives of others and that shouldn't have to be a reality. IDK I'm just kind of sad now. Anyways, thanks for your time. United we bargain, divided we beg. Hopefully things get better. Take care

TLDR; My roommate looked at me like I was a murderer after I said I wasn't going to give two weeks notice, and now I feel bad.

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