
Verbal warning

Had my quarterly one to one with my manager today. It's not the worst place to work. I'm there for 2 years next month. I have a toddler at home. Unfortunately, over the past year, he's brought every single bug and plague into the house from crèche! I've had 3 absences in the past 6 months due to this. No bullshitting and taking days off outside of legitimate illness. The last bout was Norovirus and I even came back to work on the 3rd day still not feeling 100% but stuck it out to avoid another subsequent absence. Before that, Strep A, before that, what seemed very aligned with Covid symptoms. These weren't just sore throats or a touch of the sniffles. Towards the end of my one to one meeting, I was informed HR had reached out and informed him to give me a verbal warning for absenteeism. He…

Had my quarterly one to one with my manager today. It's not the worst place to work. I'm there for 2 years next month.

I have a toddler at home. Unfortunately, over the past year, he's brought every single bug and plague into the house from crèche! I've had 3 absences in the past 6 months due to this. No bullshitting and taking days off outside of legitimate illness. The last bout was Norovirus and I even came back to work on the 3rd day still not feeling 100% but stuck it out to avoid another subsequent absence.

Before that, Strep A, before that, what seemed very aligned with Covid symptoms. These weren't just sore throats or a touch of the sniffles.

Towards the end of my one to one meeting, I was informed HR had reached out and informed him to give me a verbal warning for absenteeism. He said it's out of his hands, he gave me the warning politely but also seemed to find it useful saying “unless you can't walk in here, it's best to show up and go home rather than not show up at all”.

He also claimed I'm using the bathroom too much. I reckon I'd use the bathroom 3 to 4 times a day. Half of those visits is to just disappear for 5mins to take a break and regroup as we're customer facing and sometimes it's a little too much.

What do you all make of this? We're on good terms. He's obviously just relaying the draconian HR message and slotting in the presumptuous bathroom issue of his own accord (when quite frankly, I could have had some unseen issues whereby I need to use the bathroom regularly)

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