
Very cold at work

Hi there, I finally have a job after years of freelancing. I'm always sensitive to the cold, maybe because of my ibs (I have no idea). The new office I work at is super cold. It is a renovated shed. There is no wall between the hallway, the staircase and the office. I also have colleagues that want to have the window open. When I say I don't want that because I'm cold, they say they need fresh air. Right now I'm wearing thermo leggings, thermo shirt, thermo socks, extra clothing over it but I'm still so cold. I feel a draft, especially when the window is open. I feel awful, I just want to do my job (office work at a desk) but having to endure this cold is so terrible. I want to quit but I already have trouble getting jobs since I can only work parttime because…

Hi there, I finally have a job after years of freelancing.
I'm always sensitive to the cold, maybe because of my ibs (I have no idea). The new office I work at is super cold. It is a renovated shed. There is no wall between the hallway, the staircase and the office. I also have colleagues that want to have the window open. When I say I don't want that because I'm cold, they say they need fresh air. Right now I'm wearing thermo leggings, thermo shirt, thermo socks, extra clothing over it but I'm still so cold. I feel a draft, especially when the window is open.
I feel awful, I just want to do my job (office work at a desk) but having to endure this cold is so terrible. I want to quit but I already have trouble getting jobs since I can only work parttime because of my ibs.
I'm in the Netherlands by the way. Right now not sure what to do. I asked about working from home but they don't like that.

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