
Very comfy at last job made me worksick at current new job.

It's a rant and a first world problem. Nothing important here. ā€‹ Had a job for 9 years cutting glass and inspecting it for side mirrors. Very easy job. It was mind numbing and you can listen to music. Be on your phone when your caught up for a couple minutes and no one would care. Not even my supervisor would care as long as you do your work. Come to break late by 5 minutes because they do not care either. My department was very lenient its not even funny. Recently got fired for my actions that violated the handbook so i had to look for a new job. Got into a food factory for the pay and found out that wasn't working for me. I like a clean environment and not have to wear suits and hairnets to obey USDA regulations. Applied and got hired at another factory…

It's a rant and a first world problem. Nothing important here.


Had a job for 9 years cutting glass and inspecting it for side mirrors. Very easy job. It was mind numbing and you can listen to music. Be on your phone when your caught up for a couple minutes and no one would care. Not even my supervisor would care as long as you do your work. Come to break late by 5 minutes because they do not care either. My department was very lenient its not even funny.

Recently got fired for my actions that violated the handbook so i had to look for a new job. Got into a food factory for the pay and found out that wasn't working for me. I like a clean environment and not have to wear suits and hairnets to obey USDA regulations.

Applied and got hired at another factory making door panels. It is very fast paced. I like it. Always thinking, reading what that label says to get the parts together correctly for the next station. So far i like it but the habits of my old job of 9 years make it hard to get used to. When the whole line was down yesterday we stood around while the right people came to fix the machine. I was on my phone for not even a minute before my supervisor told me to get off my phone. My wrongdoing. The habits i have at my last job had me very comfortable and make it hard to get used to the work i am in now.

Changes from this job from my last job is i am not allowed to listen to music or be on my phone at any time of the day besides break time. I am worksick and miss my comfortable job. Even though i started this job monday 4 days ago. I'm trying to see the light and make this situation positive. Yet i still can't stop missing my old job I had being spoiled with what i just said.

They say change is good and job hopping is normal. I just can't accept change right now and have to force myself to like this change in my life. I'm 28. Can't be comfortable forever.

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