
Vet Care needs help

This industry is the greediest bunch of MFers. It seems like big Corp are taking over all the mom n pop vet hospitals. There is not enough help yet management schedules more appointments that can be handled. Not to mention emergencies! The amount of work that is done off the clock is ridiculous too. People are told to come in early yet “unable to clock in” and are put to work. What if that worker gets hurt off the clock? Or a worker will see a dog covered in waste and have to clean it because it pulls on the heart strings (I get it. It's abouts the animals).. but still! These corp's need to step up and pay their employees their fair share. It's almost 2024 and they're making a killing! The reason a lot of these places do not get the help is because of shit pay and…

This industry is the greediest bunch of MFers. It seems like big Corp are taking over all the mom n pop vet hospitals. There is not enough help yet management schedules more appointments that can be handled. Not to mention emergencies!

The amount of work that is done off the clock is ridiculous too. People are told to come in early yet “unable to clock in” and are put to work. What if that worker gets hurt off the clock? Or a worker will see a dog covered in waste and have to clean it because it pulls on the heart strings (I get it. It's abouts the animals).. but still!

These corp's need to step up and pay their employees their fair share. It's almost 2024 and they're making a killing! The reason a lot of these places do not get the help is because of shit pay and shit management! Young adults cannot live off $19 an hour if they're experienced yet that's what the hourly rate is and nobody applies.

TBH unions are needed in this industry. Someone who can monitor work hours (burn out is real), divy out raises yearly to the deserving workers. And most importantly, make sure the animals are taken care of by taking care of the staff!

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