
Victim of retaliation at my workplace

I'm 2 years into a 3 year production apprenticeship at a manufacturing plant. A relative got me this job in order to help me move back to my hometown. The plan was to stick out production for a couple years and work me into some sort of IT position because I have an IT degree w/ considerable experience. The president of the company is very poor at running the place and is driving the company into the ground and my in-law has since left. I got stuck in the worst department a year and a half ago. Was forced to go on disability for 3 months after being overworked and developing arthralgia in my hands/ wrists as well as carpal tunnel. After returning I was put on light duty yet thrown right back into the same department and forced to do tasks that I wasn't supposed to do under light…

I'm 2 years into a 3 year production apprenticeship at a manufacturing plant. A relative got me this job in order to help me move back to my hometown. The plan was to stick out production for a couple years and work me into some sort of IT position because I have an IT degree w/ considerable experience. The president of the company is very poor at running the place and is driving the company into the ground and my in-law has since left. I got stuck in the worst department a year and a half ago. Was forced to go on disability for 3 months after being overworked and developing arthralgia in my hands/ wrists as well as carpal tunnel. After returning I was put on light duty yet thrown right back into the same department and forced to do tasks that I wasn't supposed to do under light duty. This department also has very poor dust collection; while we are required to wear a respirator we don't wear it all day. Very harmful chemicals in some of the powders we make and have to breathe them in when we don't have our respirators on.

A couple months ago was the 2 year mark for us 3 remaining apprentices hired around the same time and all 3 of us were supposed to get a 2 year raise. However, not me. The one apprentice is a complete jackass, constantly fucking things up that I have to correct and only puts in 1/3 the work of others. Yet he gets a raise and I don't, so far reasons being brought up that aren't directly attributable to me. The guy I used to work with was 64 years old and had been there 42 years, forced to retire because his back went out on him. And now even though I'm still an apprentice, they seem to want to hold me responsible for mistakes other people have been making in the department. I have no authority nor do I get paid anymore than anyone else.

I've been constantly working to get working conditions improved in our two departments that are by far worse than any other. However they just don't want to spend the money to do so; they rather see people worked to death. I've since contacted a local Teamsters union to get some outside help, but like everyone else they're only after your money. It would also be impossible to start a union right now because other departments don't suffer poor working conditions, and the job pays pretty well as well as good benefits. The two guys I got interested in organizing are also retiring within the next few months.

The president was also not very happy that my in-law left because she was very good at her job and now existing employees, including him, have to take over her responsibilities she had not been replaced. So the retaliation could also be a result of that whole situation.

I've been looking and looking for a new job forever but this is a fairly small town and I'm just trying to avoid getting stuck at another shit job. Working from home is an option having IT experience but I really can't stand it, more so since I've been forced to live in a tiny rental the past 2 years due to the housing market being so ridiculous.

I've considered getting a lawyer involved, but we all know how the legal system works in this country…justice goes to those with the highest paid lawyer. Just looking for advice as to where to go from here, I'm not afraid to burn this bridge to the fucking ground even though the president of the company is very involved with the community and quite well known around the area.

TL:DR; Facing retaliation at my workplace likely because of spite and my attempts to improve working conditions.

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