
Waiting post interview

Can always annoys me that they say that they will call you back after an interview honestly I rather them tell me the truth and say yes or no and honestly I just thought of this while I was typing why can't we just make programs mainstream there are some programs where there are workshops that let you try out the job and work for a couple weeks and see if both the the job and employer and employee are right for each other sometimes I just want to axe the whole interview process especially with the employers where I wrote them a cover letter and all my qualifications are in my resume yet they still ask me the same question sometimes I want to be a smart-ass and just tell them that the answer is in my resume and ask if they read it and honestly I think the…

Can always annoys me that they say that they will call you back after an interview honestly I rather them tell me the truth and say yes or no and honestly I just thought of this while I was typing why can't we just make programs mainstream there are some programs where there are workshops that let you try out the job and work for a couple weeks and see if both the the job and employer and employee are right for each other sometimes I just want to axe the whole interview process especially with the employers where I wrote them a cover letter and all my qualifications are in my resume yet they still ask me the same question sometimes I want to be a smart-ass and just tell them that the answer is in my resume and ask if they read it and honestly I think the job search process itself is irritating why would I want to search around like a lost puppy just throwing my paper everywhere like it's an anti-abortion pamphlet and begging people to give me a job

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