
Walked out from a job because coworker was talking about me behind my back

Petty? Perhaps. It's not my only reason, but it's part of it. I got a housekeeping job earlier this month. Within my first week, I found out that one of my coworkers was talking shit about me. Keep in mind, this was within 2-3 days of my employment: I was apparently slow, stupid, in my own little world, needed my hand held, kept asking too many times for a list of daily tasks, etc. I put in my two weeks. Why not, I only work two days a week, I could use the cash. Well, today, two days left, I guess I just got fed up. That same coworker was an hour late to her shift, leaving me alone. I'm still generally new and was afraid that I would have to do everything myself without really knowing how because these mfs would not GIVE ME A LIST OF MY DUTIES.…

Petty? Perhaps. It's not my only reason, but it's part of it.

I got a housekeeping job earlier this month. Within my first week, I found out that one of my coworkers was talking shit about me.

Keep in mind, this was within 2-3 days of my employment: I was apparently slow, stupid, in my own little world, needed my hand held, kept asking too many times for a list of daily tasks, etc.

I put in my two weeks. Why not, I only work two days a week, I could use the cash.

Well, today, two days left, I guess I just got fed up. That same coworker was an hour late to her shift, leaving me alone. I'm still generally new and was afraid that I would have to do everything myself without really knowing how because these mfs would not GIVE ME A LIST OF MY DUTIES.

Anyways, she shows up. I say good morning to her, finish cleaning the bar and the bathrooms, write her a note, and bounce.

I feel somewhere between good and kind of sick to my stomach because I've never done anything like this before. For the most part I'm on edge because it's a small town, so there's a good chance I'll see everyone who works there again.

Oh well! I'm free!

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