
Walmart Pharmacy is sucking the soul out of me (26M).

I've been here since August 16th. Somehow, I don't seem to be getting any happier, only miserable. Earlier this week, I tried scanning a new prescription for some patient's elderly husband. I struggled the entire time. Given how understaffed we are, I wasn't able to ask for help since everyone else was busy. I tried to make it work. The elderly wife raised her voice at me in Spanish, which I happen to speak too. She said I had clearly had no idea what I was doing. I responded back in Spanish that I did, slightly raising my voice. I wasn't going to admit I was struggling, though it was obvious I was. She ended up leaving the moment a pharmacist helped me out, only to raise her voice at me too. The moment I took off to lunch, the elderly woman and I ran into each other. She pointed…

I've been here since August 16th. Somehow, I don't seem to be getting any happier, only miserable. Earlier this week, I tried scanning a new prescription for some patient's elderly husband. I struggled the entire time. Given how understaffed we are, I wasn't able to ask for help since everyone else was busy. I tried to make it work. The elderly wife raised her voice at me in Spanish, which I happen to speak too. She said I had clearly had no idea what I was doing. I responded back in Spanish that I did, slightly raising my voice. I wasn't going to admit I was struggling, though it was obvious I was. She ended up leaving the moment a pharmacist helped me out, only to raise her voice at me too.

The moment I took off to lunch, the elderly woman and I ran into each other. She pointed to her husband and told me in Spanish that if he died it'd be my fault. If only she knew I don't fill the medications. Plus, the pharmacists always look to make sure that each input is correct before processing them. She smiled at me in an aggressive manner and simply told her okay and smiled out of fear. I didn't know how else to react.

Earlier this week too, an elderly guy wanted Sudafed. I had no idea because he was wearing a mask and it was difficult to understand the way he spoke. He then yelled at me, asking if I spoke English. I raised my voice back saying I did. I looked back at the pharmacy manager who shook his head at me. I know he was mad at me for having responded back, but damn it I wasn't able to control my emotions, which I usually am good at. Another stupid thing that occurred this past week was that an elderly guy didn't want to answer the questions the screen asks about putting a signature and stuff in between. I said it was the only way I could give him his medications. A pharmacist helped me out surprisingly, but still wouldn't do so. A coworker had to help me.

Walmart Pharmacy is sucking the soul out of me. I desperately want to quit, but I need money. I will feel bad if I suddenly quit and not give my two week notice, but I know it's just my anxiety talking. I am willing to work anywhere, just until I get a job related to my college degrees. I have an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts and a Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology.

In the end, I wasn't properly trained. I've been doing input for prescriptions, but I don't know anything about medications. I was told to simply make sure the medications match when searching for them during the input process. Goodness gracious, don't even get me started on people's medical insurances. I don't know how to understand them and input them on their files. I don't know how to refill people's prescriptions most times if they don't tell me the name of the medications. I don't know the damn names for high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

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