
Want to put in my 2 weeks notice since I got a better offer starting in the new year. Can my employer terminate me early or not pay out my PTO?

So I’ve been at this job since I finished my undergrad degree in May. I’ve realized that I just don’t like the work and it’s rather soul-sucking/not interesting. I got hit up by a recruiter to apply for a job so I said fuck it and I wound up getting it. For context I currently make $59k and this new job is paying $75k. I want to put in my two weeks notice this week but that would mean that my second week is PTO which i’ve already taken for the holidays. If I do this could my employer just not give me the PTO or terminate me immediately? It’s risky and i’m getting anxiety because my team is about to head into the busy season. I’m worried they’ll think I’m quitting right now to get out of it and that’ll cause the bridge to be burned. Any of you…

So I’ve been at this job since I finished my undergrad degree in May. I’ve realized that I just don’t like the work and it’s rather soul-sucking/not interesting. I got hit up by a recruiter to apply for a job so I said fuck it and I wound up getting it. For context I currently make $59k and this new job is paying $75k. I want to put in my two weeks notice this week but that would mean that my second week is PTO which i’ve already taken for the holidays. If I do this could my employer just not give me the PTO or terminate me immediately? It’s risky and i’m getting anxiety because my team is about to head into the busy season. I’m worried they’ll think I’m quitting right now to get out of it and that’ll cause the bridge to be burned. Any of you guys have similar experiences? I’d appreciate some reassurance.

EDIT: I live in Minnesota in the US to clarify

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