
Want to quit, but scared to do it

So, I currently work two part-time jobs, one of which is at a non-profit theatre where I’ve been working at for about 4-5 months. I get paid $15/hr and it feels like the job of at least three people. However, their busy holiday season is coming up, they’re understaffed, and some of the people there are nice and I’d feel bad to leave them high and dry. But the job is taking such a mental toll on me and I know that leaving is the best choice but I can’t bring myself to actually do it, any words of advice?

So, I currently work two part-time jobs, one of which is at a non-profit theatre where I’ve been working at for about 4-5 months. I get paid $15/hr and it feels like the job of at least three people. However, their busy holiday season is coming up, they’re understaffed, and some of the people there are nice and I’d feel bad to leave them high and dry. But the job is taking such a mental toll on me and I know that leaving is the best choice but I can’t bring myself to actually do it, any words of advice?

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