
Want to ruin the company and the executive’s careers I used to work for

I left this investments operations job several months ago. I talk to my friends who still work there. I found out that one of them got fired today. I couldn’t believe it because this department NEVER fires anyone because of how desperate they are to retain employees. In the past year, the team in general kept making mistakes. A couple months ago a co worker loses $17,000, what happened to her? Nothing. Keep in mind, she doesn’t have a family to provide for. Probably just got yelled at. Today, my buddy got FIRED for losing $18,000. Plus, he’s only been there for a year and he’s only 22 AND has a 2 year old daughter. Poor guy was crying his eyes out. What makes this crazier is that his manager wasn’t at the office today, but the executives who don’t know anything about how our department runs fires him. They…

I left this investments operations job several months ago. I talk to my friends who still work there. I found out that one of them got fired today. I couldn’t believe it because this department NEVER fires anyone because of how desperate they are to retain employees.

In the past year, the team in general kept making mistakes. A couple months ago a co worker loses $17,000, what happened to her? Nothing. Keep in mind, she doesn’t have a family to provide for. Probably just got yelled at.

Today, my buddy got FIRED for losing $18,000. Plus, he’s only been there for a year and he’s only 22 AND has a 2 year old daughter. Poor guy was crying his eyes out.

What makes this crazier is that his manager wasn’t at the office today, but the executives who don’t know anything about how our department runs fires him. They don’t understand how easy it is to make these crazy mistakes. They were just pissed and wanted to make an “example” out of him. I hope I’m wrong and that there’s more to the story, but I doubt it.

Like I said, I’m not there anymore, but I want to ruin the executives/companies reputation because of this. Even if it’s just a little bit. The only lame thing I can think of is leave a bad indeed review. Any better ideas? This is a bank btw.

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