
Wanting to end my project management job to pursue something else

I have been working at my current company since June and it's rather unfulfilling. I come to the office from 7 and sit there waiting for the task to be ping or aligned for me to manage. It's just not what I had expected when starting the job. I've learned everything there is to the job and do all my tasks to the best of my ability. I've been thinking of quitting because most of my time is spent in the office just trying to look busy when I could use that time for other things. Is this something that people struggle with? A job that you're kind of sitting there but the title is impressive and the experience will possibly get you to somewhere better? What is the best way to overcome this?

I have been working at my current company since June and it's rather unfulfilling. I come to the office from 7 and sit there waiting for the task to be ping or aligned for me to manage. It's just not what I had expected when starting the job. I've learned everything there is to the job and do all my tasks to the best of my ability. I've been thinking of quitting because most of my time is spent in the office just trying to look busy when I could use that time for other things. Is this something that people struggle with? A job that you're kind of sitting there but the title is impressive and the experience will possibly get you to somewhere better? What is the best way to overcome this?

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